Exposure Therapy is likely the most effective therapy intervention ever created. It is consistently found to be the most crucial and active component of many spin off treatments. Unfortunately, the word exposure can sound pretty intimidating to people who have been bullied into avoidance by anxiety. On the contrary, when implemented by a well trained clinician, the treatment is life changing, collaborative, and empowering.

Exposure Therapy is a specific behavioral treatment the Cognitive Behavior Therapy & Mindfulness Center uses for anxiety and phobias. Research continually provides evidence that exposure therapy is among the most effective treatments for reduction of anxiety. As with all effective Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) treatment, a strong collaborative working relationship between client and therapist is key to treatment success. 

 At the center, exposure therapy treatments are tailored to individuals and treatment targets are chosen together in the interest of helping patients overcome fears and reduce avoidance behavior. This modality is best used by well trained clinicians who have a clear understanding of the theoretical rationale for the treatment. Through the treatment, many clients who undergo exposure therapy at the center find that they are able to thrive in situations that previously caused them significant distress.

For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), therapists at our center use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) as the primary treatment modality. This involves overcoming fears while learning to disengage from compulsions that act as unhelpful avoidance strategies. Through support, training, and consistent practice, the majority of our clients are able to significantly reduce compulsive behavior and live more comfortable lives.